30 aprile 2012

1° maggio.

Dedicato ai ragazzi che raccolgono i pomodori in Italia.

This is a video recorded in Boreano (PZ, Italy) on August 2011.
In the territory of Venosa, Basilicata region, every summer hundreds of workers from West Africa find a place to stay. They come here looking for some day of work, mainly as farmers picking up tomatoes. They are recruited only through bosses and they are paid unlawfully depending on how much they can do.
This video is the result of the encounter of some youngmen from Burkina Faso who happened to be in Boreano to work in agriculture, and some artists, videomaker and social researchers of Venosa.
The author of the text and the protagonist of the video is Daise B, a student of high-school in the region of Emilia Romagna and young hip hop author of texts.
The situation in which workers work in Boreano has been made public many times. In this video, maybe for the first time, Boreano is told by one of those workers. His words tells us of emigration from Africa, colonialism, delusion after the arrival in Europe, exploitation, racism, desire of redemption.

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